Understanding the Vulnerabilities of Internet-of-Things Devices in Smart Cities and Strategies for Cybersecurity Resilience
The Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized urban living, enabling the rise of smart cities characterized by interconnected devices and systems that enhance efficiency, convenience, and sustainability. However, the proliferation of IoT devices also introduces significant cybersecurity challenges, threatening the safety and reliability of smart city infrastructures. This paper explores the vulnerabilities inherent to IoT devices in smart cities, such as insecure communication protocols, weak authentication mechanisms, and inadequate patch management. It also examines the potential consequences of these vulnerabilities, including data breaches, system disruptions, and threats to public safety. To address these challenges, the paper proposes strategies for enhancing cybersecurity resilience, emphasizing the importance of robust encryption, strong authentication protocols, and continuous monitoring. By adopting a proactive approach to IoT security, smart cities can mitigate risks and ensure the secure and reliable functioning of their ecosystems, thereby fostering public trust and supporting sustainable urban development.